Benefits of Clustering
Clustering enables common activity strategy, common supply opportunities, easier and cheaper access to specialised information, easier entry into other markets: common marketing and sales, possibility to perform large-scale orders and participate in procurement tenders, better conditions for innovations, competition in domestic and international markets – cluster enterprises show better competitive ability, qualified labour (professional training and qualification improvement institutions are rather interested in co-operating with a group of business enterprises and deferring to collective needs and wishes of enterprises), etc.

Review of the Cluster Forum held on 23rd of August
The Cluster Forum of 23rd of August became one of the largest throughout the history of such events – more than 40 participants listened to and discussed Lithuanian clusters’ news: cluster representatives, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania, Science,...
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The Clusters Forum will be held on 23th August
The next Clusters Forum will be held on 23th August at the business center “Business Hive Vilnius”, Savanorių ave. 178F, Vilnius, Lithuania. Participants registration (mandatory) ...
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Lithuanian Clusters Association is recognized by ECCP
The Lithuanian Clusters Association is recognized by The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) and identified as a national cluster network. According to ECCP cluster organisations are networking engines: they facilitate the interaction between their own...
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Lithuanian Clusters Association changes cluster development direction in Lithuania
The Lithuanian Clusters Association takes initiative in the area of Lithuanian clustering development. The association looks to the future – creates plans for the period up to 2021 and pursues ambitious goals: not only to create favorable environment for clusters’...
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In Lithuania – 2 more internationally certified clusters
In July 2017, the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis issued Bronze Label quality evaluation certificates to the Lithuanian Wooden Prefabricated Houses Cluster PrefabLT and the Lithuanian Medical Tourism Cluster LITCARE. So far only one certified cluster...
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