Benefits of Clustering
Clustering enables common activity strategy, common supply opportunities, easier and cheaper access to specialised information, easier entry into other markets: common marketing and sales, possibility to perform large-scale orders and participate in procurement tenders, better conditions for innovations, competition in domestic and international markets – cluster enterprises show better competitive ability, qualified labour (professional training and qualification improvement institutions are rather interested in co-operating with a group of business enterprises and deferring to collective needs and wishes of enterprises), etc.

The Christmas Clusters Forum defines the vectors of development for the year 2018
The Christmas-related Clusters Forum – the last one in the year 2017 – took place in the Business Centre Business Hive Vilnius on 6 December. Over 30 guests – the representatives of the Lithuanian clusters and the state institutions – took part in the Forum. CEO of...
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Summary of the report “Lithuanian Clusterization, 2017”
A report is prepared according to the public service contract Nr. 10V-83, which was signed on 9th of August, 2017, with the client who implements the project “Promotion and development of Innovation Networking – InoLink” (project no...
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A new Lithuanian Cluster Studio and an updated concept of development were presented in the Clusters Forum
On 25 October 2017, the Clusters Forum presented the long-awaited and matured the Lithuanian Clusters Studio of 2017, prepared by the Research Institute for Changes by the order of the Agency of Science, Innovations, and Technology (MITA). The Studio was presented by...
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The Minister of Economy approved a new concept of the development of Lithuanian clusters
On 12 October 2017 Mindaugas Sinkevičius, the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania signed an order on the amendment of the concept of the development of Lithuanian clusters, by which the document, appplicable from 27 February 2014 was changed by a revised...
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Lithuanians brought in valuable contacts and ideas from international projects from Stuttgart
After the competition performed, the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) sent the descent of 7 Lithuanian clusters for the participation in the 5th International Cluster Matchmaking Conference in Stuttgart, Germany on 21-22 September 2017. Impressions...
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